Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Struggle

How's my mental health today?

Every day is a struggle at the moment.

A struggle to get out of bed.
A struggle to take a shower.
To brush my teeth.
To take my meds.
To get dressed.
To eat something.
To clean up around the apartment.
To read the newspaper.
To start up my computer.
To check for emails and other messages.
To write my blog.
To read a book.
To get out of the apartment.
To answer the phone.
To talk to other people.
To do anything that requires energy.
To do things that I usually enjoy doing.
To concentrate.
Even restful sleep is hard to find.

Such is the reality of depression.

I know it will end.

But when?

Instead of seeing depression as a dysfunction, it is a functioning phenomenon. It stops you cold, sets you down, makes you damn miserable.
~ James Hillman

1 comment:

  1. Did you get out for a walk yesterday? Go for a walk today. My goal is to ride the stationery bike today.

