Thursday, April 5, 2012

E is for... Effort

How's my mental health today?

I'm doing quite well and I've been able to sleep better.

This A-Z blogging challenge is really pushing me to be more deliberate in my writing. Writing is taking more thought and effort with this A-Z approach. I think it will benefit me in the long run.

There have been too many times when I failed to put in a 100% effort. Music; playing the violin and viola, and singing felt naturally easy for me. I didn't have to put in a full effort to
perform at an acceptable level. Many other musicians around me had to work a lot harder than I did. Not putting in the effort required probably played a role in how my unstable mental health derailed my dreams of becoming a professional musician

Writing too, has been fun and the words and ideas have been flowing quite easily.

With this alphabetic progression of themes it is not as easy as writing whatever comes to mind. I am convinced that the discipline and effort I have to employ now will help me complete the various writing projects sitting on my desk and in my computer. Failure to give it my all will eventually result in my getting bored and not finishing anything.

Effort; partner to discipline, determination, and dedication. Maintaining a consistent level of these things will be more of a challenge than this A-Z thing. I'm going to need a lot of God's help to keep up my effort level.

The artist is nothing without the gift, 
but the gift is nothing without work. 
 ~Emile Zola


  1. Oh I do agree we all need to make the effort, go the extra mile - sometimes that extra mile is only for us but it counts. One day I'll get 'round tuit.'

  2. Glad you're keeping up with the challenge so far. Last year helped me prove to myself that I could complete the challenge if I pushed at getting my stuff written each day.

  3. Your efforts are paying off, I'm enjoying your posts!

  4. Last year I did the A-Z by the seat of my pants - managed it but felt I could do better. This year I had all my posts sorted and scheduled in order to visit more blogs - even so, it's taking me some time to visit as many blogs as I can!

    Thankyou for stopping by my blog already - I appreciate the interest! :-)

    Look forward to seeing what you have in mind for 'F'!


  5. Glad to read about Effort. I need to make some to finish out this school year. I am struggling...this week has felt like it has had four Thursday's already....and we still have 36 days to go. I have enjoyed your posts each day.

  6. What a perfect post for this challenge! I completely agree, and am enjoying being pushed out of my comfort zone every day (even if many of my posts have been scraping in at the 11th hour :p ).

  7. I am finding the same exercise in discipline as challenging. My usual method of writing is life happens, I think about it and then write. You are doing far you have had something for everyday and every letter! For that you get an atta boy..keep up the good work! Blog on

  8. Very true! I am finding it's taking quite some effort to come up with posts for this challenge, but it's a good writing exercise.

    Anything done with effort brings a lot more satisfaction, I think.

  9. Great quote and great post. The whole inspiration/perspiration thing.
